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Accurail (112)
This list was last updated on (EST): 2025-01-09 10:50:30 AM
HO Scale
CVR Code Description Tags Images (CDNCDN/USDUSD) Old Price Savings Status
A112-1013 Accumate Medium Shank coupler /2pr Img1 Img2 Img3 CAD$1.99 In Stock
A112-1020 Accumate Coupler /2pr Img1 Img2 CAD$3.49 Low Stock
A112-1159 36ft 6ftdr Fowler wood box NC&StL Img1 Img2 CAD$25.95 Low Stock
A112-1172 36ft 6ftdr Fowler wood box CStPM&O Img1 Img2 Img3 CAD$25.95 Low Stock
A112-130 36ft Fishbelly Underframe w/details Img1 Img2 CAD$8.25 Backorder
A112-131 36ft Straight Underframe w/details Img1 CAD$8.25 Backorder
A112-1410 36ft Wood box Strt frame D&H Img1 CAD$28.99 Low Stock
A112-161 Boxcar Detail Sprue 2pk Img1 Img2 CAD$4.25 In Stock
A112-180 Underframe Brake rod Set /3 Img1 CAD$4.25 Backorder
A112-195 Underframe Brake Rod /30 Img1 CAD$26.95 In Stock
A112-2117 ACF 3bay covhop TPW Img1 CAD$28.95 In Stock
A112-2207 ACF 2bay covhop UP Img1 CAD$28.95 Low Stock
A112-2211 ACF 2bay covhop SP Img1 CAD$29.95 Low Stock
A112-25661 55ton 2bay open hop NH Img1 Img2 CAD$22.95 Low Stock
A112-25854 55ton 2bay hop MEC 3pk Img1 CAD$49.99 $65.99 24% off! Low Stock
A112-2592 USRA 55ton 2-bay hop CN
USD$19.95 Advanced Reservation
A112-2593 USRA 55ton 2-bay hop SOO Line
USD$19.95 Advanced Reservation
A112-2818 55ton 2bay hop NKP Img1 Img2 CAD$22.95 Low Stock
A112-3560 40' AAR box M&StL Img1 Img2 CAD$24.95 Low Stock
A112-3563 40' sgldr box Texas & Pacific Img1 CAD$25.95 Low Stock
A112-3598 40' AAR sd steel dr box Data Img1 Img2 CAD$28.95 In Stock
A112-3599 40' AAR sd steel box Data oxide Img1 Img2 CAD$28.95 In Stock
A112-36191 40' ddr box SOUTHERN Img1 Img2 CAD$25.95 Low Stock
A112-3636 40' ddr box NKP Img1 Img2 Img3 Img4 CAD$25.95 Low Stock
A112-3994 40' MILW RS steel box Herald Img1 Img2 CAD$26.95 Low Stock
A112-4121 40' wood box CN Img1 CAD$29.99 Backorder
A112-4640 USRA 40ft wood box TH&B Img1 Img2 Img3 CAD$24.55 Backorder
A112-5243 50' steel ddr box MEC Img1 CAD$26.95 In Stock
A112-5416 50' Dbl plug dr box B&M Img1 Img2 CAD$23.75 In Stock
A112-5661 50' Expost box CV Img1 Img2 CAD$25.95 Backorder
A112-5663 50' Expost box CP/Beaver Img1 Img2 CAD$25.95 Backorder
A112-5664 50' Expost steel box Clinchfield CAD$25.55 Low Stock
A112-5723 50' Welded side box BAR Img1 Img2 Img3 CAD$24.55 Low Stock
A112-5727 50' welded side sd box GT Img1 Img2 CAD$29.99 Low Stock
A112-5830 50' welded PD box Wabash USD$19.95 Advanced Reservation
A112-6547 PS4750 3bay cov hop RF&P Img1 CAD$27.99 Low Stock
A112-7542 70ton offset side 3bay hop B&M Img1 Img2 CAD$24.55 Low Stock
A112-81122 50ft steel box ROCK Brown Img1 Img2 Img3 CAD$25.95 Low Stock
A112-81123 50ft steel box ROCK White Img1 Img2 Img3 CAD$25.95 Low Stock
A112-81211 50' Steel box PRR Img1 Img2 CAD$28.95 Low Stock
A112-81212 50' steel box CB&Q Img1 Img2 CAD$28.95 Low Stock
A112-81213 50' steel box ROCK Img1 Img2 Img3 CAD$28.95 Low Stock
A112-81281 40' steel box PRR Don't Stand Img1 Img2 CAD$25.95 Low Stock
A112-81301 40' steel box B&O #468107 Img1 CAD$26.95 Low Stock
A112-81361 2bay hop C&O Img1 CAD$23.95 Low Stock
A112-81371 ACF 3bay covhop Corn Products Img1 CAD$26.95 Low Stock
A112-81451 2bay Twin hopper CNR Img1 CAD$24.95 In Stock
A112-81491 PS 3bay covhop ICG small Herald Img1 CAD$28.99 Low Stock
A112-81492 PS 3bay covhop ICG No herald Img1 CAD$28.99 Low Stock
A112-81562 40' wood reefer B&M Img1 CAD$29.95 In Stock
A112-81581 36' wood box GN Img1 CAD$28.99 Low Stock
A112-81621 2bay covhop GN Img1 CAD$29.95 Low Stock
A112-8169 36' dsheathed box CNR 3pk Img1 CAD$86.99 In Stock
A112-81691 36' dsheathed box CNR Img1 CAD$29.99 In Stock
A112-8170 40' combodr box GN 3pk Img1 Img2 CAD$86.99 Low Stock
A112-81701 40' combodr box GN Img1 Img2 CAD$29.99 In Stock
A112-8171 ACF 2bay covhop Private Owners 3pk Img1 Img2 CAD$91.99 In Stock
A112-81711 ACF 2bay covhop Morton Salt Img1 Img2 USD$21.95 Advanced Reservation
A112-81712 ACF 2bay covhop Oglebay Norton Img1 Img2 USD$21.95 Advanced Reservation
A112-81713 ACF 2bay covhop Ashgrove Cement Img1 Img2 USD$21.95 Advanced Reservation
A112-8529 40' Reefer w/plugdr BN USD$20.95 Advanced Reservation
A112-8531 40' Reefer w/plugdr PGE USD$20.95 Advanced Reservation
A112-8532 40' Reefer w/plugdr BAR USD$20.95 Advanced Reservation
A112-9980 45' TOFC trailer Undec Green Img1 CAD$17.99 In Stock
A112-SP75423 GLS #1 - 41ft Gondola GLS#75423 Img1 CAD$35.99 In Stock