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Website Updates Quickly With New Items & Specials


N Scale

All prices subject to change upon arrival due to
currency Exchange/Tariffs.

* Prices shown below are the expected
Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price (MSRP) in USD.

Kato USA

GE ES44AC Locomotives

CPKC #4805 or #9375
MSRP $125.00 USD
MSRP DCC Installed $225.00 USD
MSRP DCC/Sound Installed $325.00 USD

Built To Order Only - Reservations are subject to availability.


Master - Trinityrail 31,000 Gallon Crude Oil Tanks
Single Cars, 6-Packs and 4-packs w/2 Airslide Buffer cars!

MSRP Singles $49.95 USD
MSRP 6-pack Tanks $299.95 USD
MSRP 4-pack Tanks w/2-pack Buffer car $279.95 USD
Any Roadname can be ordered before deadline.

Master - C424 Locomotives
Canadian Pacific 2#'s

Also Available:
Conrail/ex-EL, D&H, EL, GB&W, PRR, Reading
MSRP Silver/DC $169.95 USD
MSRP GOLD/DCC/Sound $284.95 USD
Any Roadname can be ordered before deadline.

Master - MP15DC Locomotives
FURX 3#'s

Also Available:
BNSF, CSX, NS, Reading, SP, UP
MSRP Silver/DC $144.95 USD
MSRP Silver/DC with Ditch Lights $159.95 USD
MSRP GOLD/DCC/Sound $259.95 USD
MSRP GOLD/DCC/Sound with Ditch Lights $274.95 USD
Any Roadname can be ordered before deadline.

Built To Order Only - Reservations after MArch 12, 2025 are subject to availability.


70 Ton Two Bay Covered Hoppers
Halliburton 3#'s
Also Available in this release:
ATSF, Central Soya, C&O, GN, L&NE, MKT, SP, Southern, Union Carbide, DT&I, NKP
Any model can be reserved before deadline.
MSRP $32.95 USD

70 Ton Two Bay Ballast Hoppers
Ontario Northland 3#'s
Also Available in this release:
CR Yellow, BN, CNW, Conrail Gray, CSXT, DRGW, MEC, PC, ATSF
Any model can be reserved before deadline.
MSRP $32.95 USD

Plus - Special Run - 3 More Numbers Ontario Northland!

Built To Order Only - Reservations after March 31, 2025 are subject to availability.


Master - FA/FB-1 Locomotives
CP Rail 3#'s

Also Available:
MSRP DC/Silver $129.95 USD
MSRP DCC/Sound/GOLD $244.95 USD
Any Roadname can be ordered before deadline.

Master - CNCF 5000 Boxcar
Canadian Pacific/ex-MCSA 3#'s

Also Available:
Ann Arbor, C&G, Ferromex, FdeM, MCSA, RI
MSRP $34.95 USD

Master - 40 Foor Rebuilt Well Cars
TTX/Late Repaint 4#'s

Also Available:
TTX/TPEX Patch, TTX/Early Logo
MSRP $33.95 USD

Master - ACF 23,500 Gallon Tank
ACFX 3#'s

Also Available:
AMOX, Exxon/MOBX, ACFX/White, ADMX/Leaf, GLNX, AG Processing
MSRP $32.95 USD

Built To Order Only - Reservations after January 8, 2025 are subject to availability.


100 Ton Hoppers

Available in this release with multiple numbers:
BLE, CN, BNSF, B&O, WM, ConrailN&W, NS, PRR, PPLX, R&N, SP, W&LE
MSRP $29.95 USD

Built To Order Only - Reservations are subject to availability.

Rapido Trains

Greenbrier 7780 cuft Reefer
Ontario Northland - Singles & 3-packs
Also Available:
Cyro-Trans, Lineage, UP, AOKX
MSRP $64.95
MSRP 3-Pack $194.85
MSRP 6-Pack $389.70 Railmiles Special TBA

Built To Order Only Reservations are subject to availability


C44-9W Locomotives
KCS/ex-BNSF 2#'s
Also available in This release with Multiple Numbers:
BNSF/Warbonnet, BNSF/Swoosh

MSRP DC $155.00 USD
MSRP DCC $255.00 USD
MSRP DCC/Sound $355.00 USD
Any model can be reserved

Built To Order Only - Reservations are subject to availability.

Bluford Shops

52' 6inch 15-Panel Mill Gondolas - Dented!

Pere Marquette 6 #'s
Also Available: BN, DT&I, Erie, L&N, MKT, N&W, WP
Factory Dented! The Lightly Dented versions have multiple deflections in the side sheets
above the floor line. The Medium Dented versions have the side sheets visibly puffed outward
between the rivet lines as countless small dings to the inside faces accumulated and stretched
the sheets into rough domes. The Heavily Dented versions also have the puffed out panels but
to a greater extent, plus many of the ribs have also been deflected outward.
The concave dent detail on the inside faces matches the convex outside faces.

MSRP $37.95 USD

Built To Order Only - Reservations are subject to availability.

Broadway Limited

SD40-2 Locomotives

Canadian Pacific 2#'s
Also Available: BNSF/ATSF Patch, BNSF/BN Patch, NS, W&LE, MILW, US Navy, USMC
Paragon 4 Rolling Thunder Sound/DCC or
Stealth Series - DCC Ready/No Sound, speaker installed

MSRP Stealth $199.99 USD
MSRP w/Paragon 4 Sound $279.99 USD

Built To Order Only - Reservations are subject to availability.


Master - GP39-2 Locomotives
Delaware & Hudson 2#'s

Also Available:
CSX, BNSF, Guilford(B&M), Portland & Western, UP, W&S
MSRP DC/Silver $154.95 USD Pre-Delivery Special $129.99 USD
MSRP DCC/Sound/GOLD $269.95 USD Pre-Delivery Special $229.99 USD

Master - ACF 5800/5748 Centerflow Covered Hoppers
KT Clays 2#'s

Also Available:
ACFX, Everest Railcar, Soltex Polymers, Condea Vista Plastics, Pabst Blue Ribbon, Cargill
MSRP $33.95 USD

Master - Gunderson 7550 Double & 7538 Single Door Boxcar
GATX 3#'s

Also Available:
Ferromex, TTX, TTX/Graffiti, BNSF
MSRP $42.95 USD
MSRP 3-Packs $128.85 USD
MSRP Graffiti $52.95 USD

Master - PS-2750 Hopper
Rock Island Improvement Co.

Also Available:
CSXT, GN, L&N, Seaboard
MSRP $31.95 USD
MSRP 3-Packs $95.85 USD

Built To Order Only - Reservations are subject to availability.

Rapido Trains

BiLevel Commuter Passenger Cars
Features: 3D designed body shell for unparalleled accuracy
Single or double cab front windows as appropriate,
Correctly tinted windows, Accurate painting and lettering,
All-new, smooth rolling inside bearing trucks,
Full pilot detailing with body mounted couplers,
Constant interior lighting in DC and DCC,
Controllable cab car lighting in both DC and DCC*
*Operating headlights, ditch lights and strobe lights (where appropriate)

GO Transit, GO Transit/Metrolinx, AMT Montreal, West Coast Express
MSRP Cab Car + 2 Coaches $339.95 Pre-Delivery Special $305.95
MSRP 3 Coaches $329.95 Pre-Delivery Special $296.95
MSRP Unnumbered Coach $109.95 Pre-Delivery Special $98.95

Note - Project is a go!
Other schemes available by special order only until deadline include:
ACE, CalTrain, Coaster, Metrolink, Sounder, Trinity Rail, TriRail

Built To Order Only
Reservations are subject to availability.

F59PH Locomotives
Features:Scaled from field measurements and blueprints Unique F59PH body and details — first time in N!,
Incredible underbody detail including separate piping,
Separate wire grab irons, Working headlight, ditch lights and marker lights,
Lit American-style red marker lights,
Accurate F59PH sounds on sound-equipped models,
Will operate smoothly on DC and DCC layouts

MSRP DC/Silent $189.95 Pre-Delivery Special $169.95
MSRP DC/DCC/Sound $319.95 Pre-Delivery Special $287.95

Note - Project is a go!
Other schemes available by special order only until deadline include:
ACE, CalTrain, Coaster, Metrolink, Sounder, Trinity Rail, TriRail

Built To Order Only
Reservations are subject to availability.

Scale Trains

Rivet Counter - AC4400CW Locomotives
KCS/Nafta #2000
Also available in This release with Multiple Numbers:
KSC/Gray, Ferromex, UP, CEFX, CSX

MSRP DC $193.99 USD
Pre-Delivery Special $164.99 USD
MSRP DCC/Sound $324.99 USD
Pre-Delivery Special $274.99 USD
Any model can be reserved before deadline

Built To Order Only - Reservations are subject to availability.

Intermountain Railway

Trinity 3281 Covered Hoppers
Lafarge 6#'s
Also available in this release with multiple numbers:
GATX, Excel Railcar, Ciment Quebec, AOK, Blue Circle & others!
MSRP $32.95 USD

ACF 4650 Covered Hoppers
Alagash 6#'s
Also available in this release with multiple numbers:
Cotton Belt, CSX, BNSF, Far MAr Co, Dry Branch Kaolin & others!
MSRP $38.95 USD

Built To Order Only Reservations Subject to availability

Wheels of Time - Special Run

Baggage Express Cars
Available in This Special Release:
Canadian Pacific MOW 2pk, CP Rail MOW 2pk, Canadian National Green/Black singles and 2pks,
Canadian National Noodle singles and 2pks
MSRP Special 2pk $99.99 USD
MSRP Special singles $49.99 USD

Built To Order Only Reservations Subject to availability

Rapido Trains

3/4 Dome Lounge Passenger
Features: Multi-color interior decoration
Designed from original blueprints and field measurements,
Accurate paint and lettering, Lighting (prototypically) in the dome roof
Fluted and smooth-side bodies
Available in This Release:
Canadian Pacific, SP Daylight, SP Overland, Amtrak
MSRP $99.95

Built To Order Only Reservations after February 17th, 2025 are subject to availability.

Prairies Shadows RR

Point St. Charles Caboose

This run WILL NOT have working marker and interior lighting,
Body has been retooled for better fit,
Retooled trucks and coupler box w/Micro-Trains couplers

Available in this release:
CANDO, OLS, CN Red, CN White Sill, CN White Sill/yellow Stripes, ACR, WC
MSRP Special $49.99

Built To Order Only - Reservations are subject to availability.

Rapido Trains

Budd RDC-1
Many Different Schemes!
Any Paint Scheme can be Reserved Before Deadline
MSRP DC/Silent $179.95 Early Buy Special $161.99
MSRP DCC/Sound $299.95 Early Buy Special $269.99

Built To Order Only - Reservations are subject to availability.


Hart Ballast Car
CP Rail 2#'s
Alos Available: Alaska, Conrail, Rio Grande, Southern, BCR, GN, UP, WC
MSRP $31.95 USD
Any Scheme Can be reserved before deadline!

ALCO S2 Locomotives
CP Rail 3#'s
Many Different Schemes with multiple road numbers!
MSRP DC $139.95 USD
MSRP DCC/Sound $249.95 USD
Any Scheme Can be reserved before deadline!

Dash8-40C Locomotives
Canadian National 3#'s
Many Different Schemes with multiple road numbers!
MSRP DC $154.95 USD
MSRP DCC/Sound $264.95 USD
Any Scheme Can be reserved before deadline!

Built To Order Only - Reservations are subject to availability.

Bachmann Trains

Siemens SC42 Charger

VIA Rail #2201
DCC & Sound MSRP $459.00 USD

VIA Rail Passenger & Business Cars!
These Bachmann Venture Cars have been developed in collaboration with Siemens, using original design documentation to ensure prototypical accuracy.
2 - Coaches, 2- Business cars Plus Cab Car w/Dual mode DCC-operated horn, bell, and brake sounds, as well as headlight, ditch light, and marker light functionality.
MSRP Coaches & Business cars $139.00 ea USD
Cab car w/DCC operated sound and lights $299.00 USD

Built To Order Only - Reservations are subject to availability.

North American Railcar

NSC 5431 cuft Covered Hopper - RCAF 100th Anniversary
2024 is the 100th Anniversary of the RCAF (Royal Canadian Air Force)
NARC are honoured to announce they have been chosen by the RCAF Association to
produce the commemorative railcars to celebrate this special occasion.
12 Piece Limited Edition Set
Now In Production - Due January 2025!
Very Limited Availability
MSRP Special $39.95 USD / 12-Pack $455.95 USD

Built To Order Only - Reservations subject to availability.

Also available, RCAF 100th Ceramic Coffee Mugs

The Royal Canadian Air Force Centennial Commemorative Website is now active Click Here.

Rapido Trains

Santa Fe R56/60/61 Mechanical Reefer
More Schemes Just Added! Multiple Road Numbers
MSRP Singles $49.95
MSRP 4-Pack $199.80 CVR Pre-Delivery Special $175.80

Built To Order Only - Reservations are subject to availability.

Prices subject to change due to exchange rate fluctuations.

Call our toll free "Orders Only" line: 1-800-464-1730 (no questions/queries!)

U.S. Customers please note: Your invoice will show the total in Canadian Funds. Your credit card company will convert the amount to U.S.$ on your statement at their current exchange rate. Please note this rate changes constantly.

* All Items Subject to Availability.   * Prices Subject to Change.